Our Military Kids offers extracurricular activity grants to children age 1-18 - VA News (2025)

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Our Military Kids offers extracurricular activity grants to children age 1-18 - VA News (1)

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Celebrating its 20th year,Our Military Kids (OMK)—a national nonprofit providing activity scholarships to the children of post-9/11, combat-injured or ill Veterans—has expanded its eligibility criteria to ages 1 to 2.

OMK’s extracurricular activity grant program now supports military children and teens between the ages of 1-18 by funding their chosen after-school activities, from sports and music to camp and academic tutoring.

Since this program eligibility expansion, hundreds of 1- and 2-year old military kids have taken part in swimming lessons, music classes, gymnastics, enrichment camps and more.

“We want to express our deepest gratitude for the generous grant that has made it possible for our 20-month-old daughter, Insley, to participate in Kindermusik’s Level 1 classes,” an OMK beneficiary family said. “Kindermusik has become a highlight in our week, offering Insley a welcoming and creative space to grow through music, movement and early social interaction. It has been amazing to witness her development through the songs, activities and interaction with her teacher and classmates. Thank you once again for your generosity and for the support you provide to military families like ours. Your kindness is truly appreciated, and we are grateful to be part of the Our Military Kids community.”

In two decades of service, Our Military Kids has awarded more than 92,000 enrichment activity scholarships worth $34 million to children across all 50 states, territories and the District of Columbia. Broadening eligibility criteria to include ages 1 to 2 extends this support, ensuring even more military children can stay active, relieve stress and connect to their communities.

“OMK has troves of data we routinely use to drive program expansion and improve service delivery. Our board of directors seized this opportunity to do both for our youngest military children,” saidKara Dallman, OMK executive director and retired U.S. Navy Veteran. “Whether they tumble, swim or express themselves in music class, their sense of confidence and belonging will soar.”

Eligibility Requirements

  • The child or teen is age 1-18 or not yet a high school graduate.
  • Veteran has sustained combat-related wounds, illness or injuries while deployed in support of any post-9/11 overseas contingency operation.
  • Veteran has oneVAindividual disability rating of 30% or more (not combined)in one of the following categories: burns, amputation, mental health, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, PTSD or one of the presumptive conditionsoutlined in the PACT Act.
  • Veteran is actively seeking treatment for his/her injuries or illness and has a case manager or medical provider who is able to certify the above information in writing.

How to apply

Eligible applicants can visit the OMK website to submit an online application.

Required documents with application:

  • Medical provider letter on official letterhead verifying the Veteran sustained injuries or illness while deployed. Overseas during a post-9/11 mission and is continuing treatment for their combat related injuries.
  • VA individual disability ratings.
  • DD214.
  • Form of ID for the child (birth certificate, DEERS 1172 form, eBenefits profile page listing dependents).
  • Documentation verifying the cost of the activity (brochure, flyer, registration form).

Learn more about the application process and required documentation by visiting the the OMK website.

What to expect after applying

Once the application is received, it takes two weeks to fully process the grant. If there are any questions or missing documentation, applicants will be contacted by email or phone call by the Our Military Kids staff. After the grant is approved, the child will receive an approval packet in the mail, which will include a personalized award certificate, dog tags, iron-on patch and the check for the activity provider. The Veteran family is responsible for hand delivering the check to the activity provider.

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Our Military Kids

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  1. Jennifer NanceDecember 12, 2024 at 06:46 - Reply

    If you have already paid for an activity can you apply to this program to be reimbursed?

    • CharlesDecember 12, 2024 at 12:59 - Reply

      Need to know if my grandkids qualify for college or interest or both please contact me and let me know what is. For me to do to provide a future for my grandkids. Email me or call me

  2. Tara McSwainDecember 11, 2024 at 21:38 - Reply

    My son is interested in guitar
    Lessons. Is that possible? His dad is a 100% P & T post 9/11 combat veteran.

  3. Leroy R PaluchDecember 11, 2024 at 20:18 - Reply

    are grandchildren of 100% permanent and total service-related vietnam veterans eligible?

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Our Military Kids offers extracurricular activity grants to children age 1-18 - VA News (6)

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Last updated December 6, 2024

Our Military Kids offers extracurricular activity grants to children age 1-18 - VA News (7)

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